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You must be empty before you can receive – here’s why

There’s something I’ve noticed in the aftermath of confronting a wound or place of weakness in me and finally owning up to the problem. And that is, I feel trepidation in letting the wounded part of me go. I don’t know who I am when I empty out of all that used to fill my…


The dark is too dark, and the light too bright

  There are two reasons why you have to have a strong and cultivated light within you when you do inner work: The big one is that when you start peering into the darkness of your inner world, wounds and issues harboring there will emerge because wounds always seek healing. And the truth of what…


Why chronic anxiety is so hard to heal

Chronic anxiety is very challenging to heal because of the inherently addictive nature of your feelings. Here’s why: Your feelings in the moment are nearly impossible to change without suppression. Just try not feeling enraged when it sweeps over you. This obvious nature of your feelings is the cause of the not-so-obvious reason why certain…


How do you deal with anxiety?

There’s degrees of suffering from acute, to that chronic and under the radar but always there kind of anxiety. And then there’s generalized anxiety disorder where the anxiety rules your life. Regardless of the degree, you might not even know what it feels like to NOT be anxious. But there is a huge secret we…


A made-up word that’s a useful tool

Here’s a made up word that might be a useful tool for you: “Thoughting” (verb). Def: thinking thoughts that you have previously thought many times before or believing ideas about yourself or the world which are accompanied by negative feelings such as anger, despair, fear, doubt, etc… Here are some common characteristics: “Everyone ALWAYS…” (fill…


4 reasons why we stay in dead-end relationships

Here in California spring is beginning to gain some momentum, and the large amount of rain is predicting a superb flowering season. And while spring is glorious and full of life and promise for most people, for some of us it can be a bit fraught. Something that has been contracted within us throughout the…


Solve your tough relationship issues

Have you been in this situation: someone got offended because you didn’t do the right thing, or you said the wrong thing, and even though you would NEVER have intentionally hurt them, still they are offended? And now you don’t know what to do? OR, maybe it was you who felt offended and hurt by…


Pay better attention to your feelings

We are always feeling but seldom do we actually pay attention to what’s happening in our feeling life. This week, we outline a path for developing our feeling life from what is normal to something truly healthy. Drawing from the work of Georg Kühlewind, we outline two categories of feelings: cognitive feelings and non-cognitive feelings….


The quality of your presence matters

  One of the things we’ve learned is that when you walk into a room, you can have an outsized impact merely with the quality of your presence. Let us demonstrate with some easy examples: Have you ever experienced someone walking in who was angry about something, even though they didn’t say a word —…



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