Soul Addictions: why we are all addicted and what we can do about it
This morning I (Louisa) said goodbye to my daughter who left for her beloved Sweden to re-unite with friends and my other daughter. I had a moment to reflect on the process of letting go.
I’ve had lots of empty-nest practice lately as my birds are gradually finding independence and community far away from our California home.
While this is a necessary part of growing up, we parents grieve the end of a precious era and the loss of our family as it has been.
But nevertheless, letting go is an essential part of life.
And not all such things are so precious and wonderful as children. Some of the things that we must learn to let go of are wounds, negative beliefs, pain, and feelings of being stuck. We actually cling to these painful things as if our lives depend on them. We find comfort and safety in the familiarity of these states.
In our latest episode of Magenta FM we delve into why it can be so challenging to release the things that hold us back and keep us trapped, despite knowing that we need to move on.
We also explore the concept of being in love with our wounds.
I invite you to listen or watch our newest episode on these thought-provoking topics. Click the play button on the image below.
We hope our discussion resonates with you and provides valuable insights into addiction and letting go.
Louisa and Rachel
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