Season One, Episode Six:

Stories of Conflict and the Enemy Image

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This week Louisa and Rachel explore concepts introduced in previous episodes but but now through the lens of real stories of conflict.

We tell personal stories of getting into conflict with significant others where things could have gone south, but didn’t, because of the insights we are sharing on this podcast.
How can we take back our power in conflict, regardless of whatever is happening with the other person? And what about conflict where one does need the other to dialogue, like a marriage going through divorce?
We spend time talking about needs — or rather, unmet needs — and how they can destroy relationships. We also get into the epigenetics of the soul, meaning, how the strategies we try to use in relationships to get our needs met are passed down to us through family patterns and inheritance.
And what is the Enemy Image? How do we make two-dimensional enemy images of those whom with we disagree? We get into a definition of this, and also what it looks like to see someone in their full, three dimensional humanity.
Lastly, what does enemy image-making have to do with world peace? We talk about what happens when we give away our power at scale - and what happens to that power we give away.


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