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Become A Lighthouse

As a leader

Imagine having the inner clarity and presence to follow through with your vision. For yourself, your community, and for the world. Even when it goes against the status quo.

Whether you bring out the perfect combination of passion and performance in your team, or you stand for truth in the face of opposition, your leadership presence could be an inspiration to others.

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In your relationships

Imagine being in flow with the important people in your life and work.

Imagine being fearless in conflict without losing your cool, and no longer tolerating that which holds you and others back.

You stay with challenging issues with courage and patience. You find a way through with presence of mind and a generous heart. And you attract true peers into your world.

In your community

Imagine knowing your purpose in life.

You have an important part to play, a voice to speak. You want to make a heartfelt contribution towards what you care most about.

Imagine reaching for a level of success and impact that wasn’t previously possible for you because you are fit for purpose.

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Our mission is your transformation

Magenta shows you how to elevate your presence, strengthen your leadership, and heal your relationships.

We help you become inwardly powerful, emancipated, and with greater creative agency in your life and work.

We accomplish this through one-on-one coaching, in-person workshops, online courses, and membership program.

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In these times of massive change, we need an upgrade

People are struggling with fear, confusion, and doubt. They want to show up as their highest selves and do their best work, but they know they aren’t fully present in their relationships, in their life, and at work.

And they are losing their mojo and sense of purpose because of it.

What’s needed now is a shift away from the old and conventional ways of fixing our problems — toward a whole new paradigm.

One that understands the true sources of regeneration and healing — and creative action.

This requires a quality of presence that comes entirely from within.

Learn to develop true leadership presence, and become a lighthouse.

Who is Magenta?

We are co-founders Louisa Barnum and Rachel Hazlett-Karr. For the past 15+ years we’ve been executive coaches, consultants, CEOs, teachers, artists, and life-long students of western esoteric streams of wisdom. We bring unique methods and practices focused on capacity building for leadership presence and in the social realm.

Magenta provides a dojo for deep and effective training to get you from wherever you are to the mastery you aim for.

Who is Magenta?

Rachel and louisa

We are co-founders Louisa Barnum and Rachel Hazlett-Karr. For the past 15+ years we’ve been executive coaches, consultants, CEOs, teachers, artists, and life-long students of western esoteric streams of wisdom. We bring unique methods and practices focused on capacity building for leadership presence and in the social realm.

Magenta provides a dojo for deep and effective training to get you from wherever you are to the mastery you aim for.

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More about our methods:

We draw from a life-long study of Anthroposophy and western esoteric streams of knowledge about the nature of the human being and the social realm. 

We walk people through a rigorous path of development through our coaching, membership program, and in-person workshops. The following principles are fundamental in our work.

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Face the shadow, strengthen the Light

We get to know the terrain of the shadow and the light in each human being. We learn how to heal the shadow and lessen its hold over us so we can concretely experience freedom from what’s been keeping us stuck and limited. And we learn how to strengthen the light in us so we can be a lighthouse for others because of our resiliency, presence of mind and heart, and inner strength and leadership capacity.

Learn what is true through first person science

How do you observe yourself as both the subject and the object? By developing a capacity called the Witness. Coined by Carl Jung, the Witness is a muscle in you that learns how to observe yourself with a non-judgmental and clear-eyed objectivity that is essential for any transformative inner work.

Transform wounds into gifts

We learn how to turn what is weakness and shadow in us into strengths and gifts. This might seem contradictory but this is just as true for the soul as it is for a broken bone that heals stronger than before. And this is a secret to true capacity building: your strength is perfected in your weakness.

Training in the intangible inner life is what will set you free 

The path of transformation is not about knowledge alone. What will finally set you free is the daily effort and practice of building new “muscles” in your soul. You have to become fit for purpose.

Master the many layers of communication 

Communication is a commonplace activity, we do it all the time and we naturally assume we are just fine at it. But the truth is, good communication takes skill and knowledge. And such training is the key to successful relationships and leadership. 

Take back your power through 100% responsibility

Personal power, done right, is not about power over others, it's really about your inner power over your own doubt, fear, or self-hatred. But we typically project this onto others and our life in general. When we get into dynamics and conflict, we naturally assume it's about the other, but this is how we give away our power to others until we learn how to take it back.

The World is a mirror: what is coming to you is actually coming from you

What you think appears around you. You must be conscious of the inner pictures you are carrying for what you want to create. If you are carrying unconscious inner pictures, those will shape your life in the form of roadblocks in your way, contributing to challenging dynamics, or self-sabotaging.

Morality and integrity take courage

Morality speaks directly to the heart of our life’s mission and the mission of the future of humanity. The universe is ruled by morality, even though we are free to self-determine in any way we want. Therefore it takes moral courage to take the right path, instead of paths of temptation, which result in the erosion of ethics and values. The right path is never the easiest because it requires the sacrifice of what is lower and lesser in us.

Work from the future, not the past

The conventions of the past are no longer serving us. We need to see into the future and bring that to life in our current reality. Let the future inspire us — not with utopian fantasies but with moral imagination. What does not yet exist but could? If we prioritize our collective future, then developing our higher way of being becomes imperative.


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