Season One, Episode Nine:
Understand your Feelings Like You Never Have Before
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We are always feeling but seldom do we actually pay attention to what’s happening in our feeling life.
This week, we outline a path for developing our feeling life from what is normal to something truly healthy. Drawing from the work of Georg Kuhlewind, we outline two categories of feelings: cognitive feelings and non-cognitive feelings (also referred to as “feelings” vs “emotions” at Magenta). We describe the kinds of feelings that we all have that have us stuck, disconnected from the world, projecting onto others, and wallowing in our habitual ways of feeling. No shame or judgment, we all do it. It’s all about learning how to not get stuck there and cultivating feelings that are actually generative, serve our intuition, and have us in a connected dialogue with the world around us, including those whom we love and/or are in conflict with.
That takes us to cognitive feelings. We describe the kinds of feeling we can have, though we seldom do. Feelings that connect us to THE truth, not just OUR truth. Feelings like those that nature evokes in us.
We talk about the role that feelings play in making art, and also in the kind of art that Joseph Beuys described as “the social sculpture” where each person is seen as an artist, contributing to the creation of the social organism which we all inhabit together. What role do feelings play in issues of injustice and activism? When do they get in the way of the greater good and what options do we have besides suppression or explosion?
Feelings inform us. About what we like and dislike, of course, but they can actually inform us about the world around us, in the same way that animals use their feelings to tune into their surroundings and the state of their humans.
We are excited to open up this conversation with you and hear what comes up for you when you listen.
For a list of feelings words mentioned in the episode, visit
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