Build a sustainable meditation practice for life
The daily practice, explained
Click on each tab to learn more
Meditation is the basis for the daily practice. This is where the strength training in the "soul gym" happens. We teach you a practice routine you do every day. It is the same each time, we don't switch things around. Just as the master violinist practices the same technique-building exercises every day of their lives, so will you do the same exercises throughout the 21 days.
We send you 6 letters throughout the 21 days that highlight particular issues and challenges you will encounter as you do your daily practice. They are personal letters from us to you, in support of your extraordinary act of building a new practice into your life for elevating your presence.
You'll receive 5 excerpts to download and study from our favorite authors, teachers, and spiritual researchers who bring deep concepts and insightful understanding. Study is the necessary — and natural — accompaniment to meditation because it brings nourishment via concepts you won't have encountered before, and informs your practice. Otherwise, meditation dries up and becomes impossible to sustain without this nourishment — and this is the main reason why people give up on their meditation practice.
Prayer is an important third element to the daily practice because it is a powerful tool for gently countering the internal dysregulation we meet when we sit at the threshold between normal life and the monastic silence of meditation. All the distressing emotions and negative thoughts we have suppressed and ignored come to meet us as soon as we get quiet. Prayer helps us to engage with it all in a healthy and safe way without further suppression or denial. Prayer is the unexpected but powerful tool to help us sustain and nourish our daily practice. We teach you two methods of prayer to use, and include 5 beautiful prayers in a downloadable PDF.

We guide you through the what, why, and how of building new muscles in the soul for elevating your presence
What we're teaching you in this Masterclass isn't magic, though over the long term it can feel like a kind of magic. It's so simple — but it's not easy. The way there is a practice. Something you'll need to do every day.
But, this isn't the kind of practice you might be familiar with considering what is usually offered on popular apps and platforms. Instead, you'll learn how to gently get out of your head and into your mind, your heart, and your will.
The key to getting there is doing the same practice every day. For a masterful practitioner, daily practice is about consistency, repetition, and a focused mind and heart.

Orientation course + 21 Days of Support + Community
We lay out the concepts + practice for elevating your presence
This masterclass is not a long and involved download of content you have to consume like a too-large meal. Its purpose is to get you into action. We don’t mess around. You’ll have just 3 days to watch a short video course to orient you, and then your 21 days of practice will begin.
The Portal
Home for the entire course
You get access to the private portal where the course is housed. 2 videos totaling 47 mins + MP3s, the Practice, the Guidebook, the study excerpts and the prayers. All downloadable + printable. Learn in the way that best suits you.

eBook + Guidebook
Video transcripts in a downloadable guidebook
We've written out the entire course in a beautiful eBook that consists of the transcripts of the videos plus some extra stories to help land the concepts. We've also created a separate Guidebook of the Meditation for ease of printing.

Daily Postcards + Letters
Messages of support and cheerleading
You'll receive daily postcards via email for 21 days at 7AM your time zone, reminding you to do the practice and giving you tips and ideas for how to get it going regularly, building it into your life. And every 4 days throughout you'll get a personal letter from us to you detailing some of the issues with the practice you'll encounter along the way.

Study + Prayers Downloads
The secret to long-term success: deepening knowledge and experience
Housed in the online platform you'll find downloadable PDFs of 5 study excerpts and 5 prayers to supplement your daily meditation practice. You'll learn how to use these additions to the practice — and why they hold the secret to long term sustainability and success.

Community on Telegram
Live touchpoint of support and connection
Join our private community on Telegram and connect with us and others in the course, find support, an accountability partner, and build a community of shared intention. And you're welcome to stay in the group forever.

A Live Q & A Session
Deep dive into your questions, recorded
We'll do a deep dive with you into the practices. Whatever you are struggling with, want to know more about, or wish to dialogue about — we're showing up live with you for an hour. Schedule TBD.

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